Areas of Practice

The law can be complicated and difficult to categorise but below are some of the main areas of Serhan’s work. Although approaches may differ between different areas of law, all litigation requires finesse, strategic thinking and empathy. For many people, entering into any litigation is a stressful situation and Serhan excels at streamlining and demystifying the process as much as possible.

Landlord and Tenant


Housing is a fundamental right for everyone and the rental market is an important aspect of this. Owing to the heavy regulation of the rental market, housing is often an area that is fraught with legal complexities, with both landlords and tenants misunderstanding their basic rights. .

For tenants, this may be a disrepair claim against their landlord, squalid conditions, an unlawful eviction, or even harassment by the landlord.

For landlords, owning rented accomodation can be a stressful, and costly task and seemingly simple objectives, such as selling the property, can become a minefield of legal regulation and penalties.

Serhan has extensive knowledge of acting for both landlords and tenants in matters relating to possession proceedings, dispute disputes and dilapidation claims.

Contentious Probate


Claims against estates are a difficult type of litigation, whether you are the claimant against an estate of a loved one, or the executor or beneficiary of the estate defending such claims.

Such claims are, by their very nature, more emotional than, for example, a commercial litigation and care must be taken in the approach to such litigation to ensure a successful outcome.

Serhan has experience of all aspects of contentious litigation and acts for both claimant clients, claiming against estates, and executors/beneficiaries of an estate, defending such claims.

Employment Law


Employment is another crucial area of many people’s lives and it can be distressing when disputes arise.

Serhan has experience acting for both employers and employees whether this be advising on redundancy, unfair dismissal or non-contentious work such as drafting of fresh employment contracts.

Commercial Litigation


Regrettably, all business are likely to find themselves in a dispute at some point. Unlike other areas of litigation, commercial disputes require close attention to be paid to the needs of the business, whether this be an open mind on settlement offers or a need to protect the business’s reputation.

This area of law can be extremely broad and cover everything from straightforward debt recovery to a complicated breach of contract. Serhan has extensive experience with a broad range of commercial litigations and is experienced in understanding the needs of a business dispute.

Family Law


Family law is an broad but emotional area of law where clients need to trust their solicitor to get the best results tailored for them.

Serhan is experienced in all aspects of family including:

  • Divorces;

  • Financial Resettlement;

  • Private Children Law including child arrangements and custody;

  • Public Children Law;

  • Issues relating to domestic violence, including non-molestation orders and occupation orders.

Whatever the type of matter, Serhan is experienced at providing the support for his client at the time they most need it.

Property Disputes


Property disputes are another broad area of the law but one that deals with what is most peoples’s most significant asset, their home.

Such disputes can range from a boundary dispute, to claim for damage caused by neighbour’s property or a dispute relating to new developments of land. Whatever your dispute, Serhan is able to assist to protect your most valuable asset.

Estate Administration


Administration of estates is an emotional and difficult task that occurs at the most difficult time of many people’s lives, the loss of a loved one.

Over the years, Serhan has assisted many families in concluding their loved one’s affairs whilst minimising the stress on the family throughout what is a legally complex and bureaucratic process.

Will Writing


Everyone should have a Will, but approximately two thirds of people have not yet made a Will and those that have, may not have the correct Will in place. Without a Will you must rely on the Intestacy Rules to decide what happens to your estate, but these rules were created, in their basic form, almost a hundred years ago.

Today, families can be complicated, and events like remarriages and step children may mean that your true wishes are not reflected unless you have a Will. This is not to mention the possibility of any family dispute.

Everyone’s circumstances are unique. Serhan has extensive knowledge of the various complexities that can occur during the administration of an estate and can work with you to prepare the Will that is tailored for your circumstances.

Lasting Powers of Attorney


Similar to a Will, a Lasting Power of Attorney is a document that everyone should have. Unlike a Will, it is a document that will hopefully never be required.

A Lasting Power of Attorney allows you to nominate those you trust to be your attorneys and grants them the authority to deal with your affairs if you are ever incapable of dealing with your affairs yourself.

In the event you lose capacity without a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, the process is a stressful and arduous one, involving the Court of Protection. For this reason, Serhan recommends to every client that they consider putting these documents in place and has extensive knowledge in drafting them quickly and efficiently.